
  • 依據教育局幼稚園課程指引,編訂以六大範疇為基礎的綜合課程,配合生活化主題,並採用小班互動教學,建立兒童主動積極的學習態度。
  • 推行多元化的音體、美藝活動,重視培養兒童的群性和情意發展
  • 從遊戲中學習,促進幼兒的身心發展
  • 運用持續性單元學習評估配合兒童多元化學習發展。
  • 持續推行正向情緒和品格教育課程,幫助幼兒從小建立良好的品格。





Curriculum (Teaching and Learning)

  • Our curriculum is made up of six areas of learning which is based on the curriculum guidelines of the Education Bureau. In coordination with the life-like themes, we adopt small class interactive teaching to build up children’s active and zealous learning attitudes.
  • We carry out various activities in music, physical education and art, emphasise on fostering children’s social and affective development.
  • We encourage children to learn through play, foster their physical and mental development.
  • We adopt continuous learning evaluation to meet the children’s all areas of development.
  • We offer curriculum of positive emotion and character education to assist children in developing good character.


Curriculum Planning

We compile our integrated curriculum according to the EDB’s “Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide”. We focus on the six learning areas and conduct our daily learning activities with thematic and project-based approaches, aiming to appropriately cater children’s learning interests. By implementing our learning activities through play and exploration, we hope to foster children’s balanced development in the moral, cognitive and language, aesthetics, affective and social, physical and spiritual domains.